Italeri 6602 - 1/48 8.8 Cm. Flak 37 AA Gun  [IT-6602S]

Italeri 6602 - 1/48 8.8 Cm. Flak 37 AA Gun
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The 88mm antiaircraft Flugabwehrkanone (Flak) ended up being one of many major effective cannons for the 2nd World War. The Luftwaffe deployed it as German territory defence against enemy air raids, although the Wermacht inside the artillery antiaircraft divisions. Every Wermacht device has beautifully made with 8 88mm and 12 20mm services and products. General Rommel was one of the first individuals to make use of the Flak 88 through the whole may 1940 France campaign in an original part when compared with it initial design purposes. The Flak 88 became more famous and feared antitank cannon essentially due to the Axis tropes inside 2nd World War. Through the defence of Halfaya Pass in Northern Africa, ina moment, a person Wermacht Flak 88 battery pack destroyed 11 of 12 English tanks delivered from German's functions. The pass became distinguished in-between the English tank guy as Hellfire pass. The Flak 88 was at force through end for the war on all fronts and its particular double antiaircraft and antitank component.

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