Tamiya 76636 - Polymer Clay Orchard Master (100g)  [76636]

Tamiya 76636 - Polymer Clay Orchard Master (100g)
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alt="Tamiya 76636 - Polymer Clay Orchard Master (100g)" title="Tamiya 76636 - Polymer Clay Orchard Master (100g)"

This fine clay is quite flexible and it has the very same smooth area consistency as plastic after curing. Clay may be blended with with several types of paint and it is ideal for producing miniature replicas such as for instance good fresh fruit.

  • Tarts:Use with Dessert Topping Master generate sumptuous-looking tarts!
  • Fruits:The clay's perseverance is great for creating good fresh fruit replicas.
  • Candies:Mix with Decoration colors paints generate colorful candies.
  • Parfaitsusage sweets replicas produced from the clay to garnish larger creations!

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