Arrowmax AM-700213 AM Lipo 4200mAh 2S Shorty Super LCG - 7.4V 65C Continuous 130C Burst  [AM-700213]

Arrowmax AM-700213 AM Lipo 4200mAh 2S Shorty Super LCG - 7.4V 65C Continuous 130C Burst
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will always be Lipo 4200mAh 2S Shorty Super LCG - 7.4V 65C constant 130C Burst

The brand new 4200mah super shorty from Arrowmax pushes the restriction of Lipo batteries technology supplying competitive capacity, energy and is light in fat. It really is perfect for modified touring cars and off road buggy on tiny to medium-sized songs. Changing the prior type of 4000mah batteries, this battery pack will gain extra runtime and provide consistent energy. Simply at 18.8mm height, this super LCG

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