Arrowmax AM-700303 AM Lipo 8000mAh 1/12 Scale - 3.7V 60C Continuous 120C Burst 5mm (Si-Graphene)  [AM-700303]

Arrowmax AM-700303 AM Lipo 8000mAh 1/12 Scale - 3.7V 60C Continuous 120C Burst 5mm (Si-Graphene)
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The new Arrowmax Red Series battery AM-700303 is the better 1S pack ever completely for 1/12th scale, no anxiety in run time, it provides probably the most energy with low interior resistance to perform the battle with no concern. Perfect option for either stock or mod, well associated with the best in 1S course. The precise primary 1, the top of top. No compromise, perfect regardless in stock or Mod. Just in case its regarding 1s battle. This is actually the pack their can purchase.

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